Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A week of Reflection

So there wasn't a big adventure this week. That can mostly be chalked up to a surprise storm, in which I hydroplaned down 75 before I slowed down. After that, I decided that was my sign to just kick back for the afternoon and take a nap.With my internship being halfway over, this therefore is time for reflection.

Back at the office on Tuesday, things were fairly routine until Sue popped in and asked me to write a personal essay about my online college experience. I said of course, how could I not. I had it written and turned in by the following morning and am keeping my fingers crossed that it makes copy. When I turned it in, Sue said she loved it. It was exactly what she was looking for.

So, I'm halfway home, halfway done with my internship. I realize I've been learning a lot while I'm there. I am getting better at editing, even if I'm not quite there yet. This afternoon I popped in for a short question and answer session with our graphic designer. I asked her some of the same questions that I've asked Kara and Sue. One of my most popular questions is, "How do you find inspiration?"

The answer is "watch what is trending." Because this is an answer I've gotten from all three of my questionees, I've realized that their offices are covered with magazines, all sorts of magazines. I also realized, I'm becoming obsessed with magazines. A quick trip to the grocery store turns into me admiring a magazine, trying to figure out what it is about the cover that makes people pick it up.

I've also watched how they work together. Each one says that every issue that comes out is a team effort. The sales team can't put out a magazine with no content, but the art team, the editors, and the graphic designer can't put together a magazine with no sales team. 

When I was all done with that, I popped into Kara's office to practically beg for a chance to go on a photo shoot, any photo shoot. If I'm going to see things from the ground up, this is one thing I'd like to experience.

Of course my fellow interns and I had lunch today. We didn't visit any unusual spots and while we did go to Skyline, I opted for a salad (still counting calories). I asked them for directions on how to get to a local park, so that I can visit that sometime soon. I also convinced them that on my last day, we need to go to the top of Carew Towers.  Viewing the city sky line will be my final tribute to the city. (for the time being)

As the skies opened up and poured down rain on my three block back to my car, I realized, I've never seen the John A. Roebling bridge with the lights on. It was a breathtaking sight, even as I stood there drenched, I had to have a picture.

I have an adventure in mind next week. It involves crossing the state line into Convington, KY, to see a certain famous church that working on Wedding, I have seen and read a lot about. 

By the way, the homeless guy who stands outside Starbucks in the mornings with the sign that says "When you give to the poor, you loan to the Lord", he was missing today. Probably due to the storms, but last week I noticed, his shift ends at five when the other offices downtown close.

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