Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Crossing borders

I finally crossed the bridge into Covington, KY this weekend, with my purpose in mind. Reading wedding stories and seeing wedding pictures for the last few weeks, I have noticed a stunning building, and even had my editor correct me on the name once.

My destination was Saint Mary's Basilica of the Assumption. As anyone that knows me is aware, I'm fascinated by old buildings, old gothic architecture captures my attention every time. Standing outside, I gazed up at this wonderous building and quickly noted the gargoyles sitting atop the Cathedral.

Before I went inside, I walked through an old iron wrought gate, into the path of a garden lined with statues and fountains. It's very peaceful and quiet back there. Finally it was time to go in. I was greeted at the door by a very sweet elder lady that asked if I had any questions and pointed me to the brochures.

The view inside was breathtaking. The air smelled of incense and it is important to remember that there are people praying and taking mass. I sat in a pew and gazed all around me at the 82 stained glass windows. These windows were why I had earlier been corrected on the churches name. St. Mary's boast one of the largest stain glass windows in the world.

Surrounding on the walls are mosaic tiles showing scenes from the life of Jesus. I always finIt boasts a gold-plated tabernacle, and was created in Ghent in 1913 as a gift to a former Bishop from the people of d peace in those old churches, there's a serenity to be had in the quietness, and the traditions. The one Chapel that tourists are not allowed to take pictures of is the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. It boasts a gold-plated tabernacle, and was created in 1913 in Ghent as a gift to a former Bishop from the people of Belgium.

After observing others in prayer and my own quiet reflections, it was time for me to head back to the quietness of my second home. There I frustratingly and painstaking tried to grasp the concept of Graphic Design glass. It's quite the struggle, more than you'd think.

The next morning I was ecstatic to open my office e-mail and discover another writing assignment. This time it involves interviews, and doing the write up of a local fundraising event. I was really excited to get to work.

Something you might not realize about interviewing people, sometimes it's a lot of hurry up and wait. You hurry up and contact people, and have to wait for their schedules to open to have time to talk to you. By the end of the day I was finally able to get in touch with everyone, and begin writing my assignment.

Which was good, because I got to see the pagination for the Wedding magazine. I know, I should be immune to the excitement of it by now. I'm not though. It's still fascinating to me to watch these teams of people come together and compromise on ad placement, and editorial pages and content. Even as I left the office that day I was fascinated by how quickly the design team was able to post the pagination for review.

As I had flipped through wedding photos that day, I noticed a picture of a bride and groom sitting on top of a fountain statue of books. Through a quick search I was able to find out that the statue sits in front of the Cincinnati Main Library. The statue known as the book fountain, is the Amelia Valerio Weinberg Memorial Fountain, founded in 1990. Of course, I had to walk the numerous city blocks to take a picture of that beautiful statue.

The next day was fairly quiet. (Well, other than me and my headphones letting out a loud shriek when one of the other interns stopped to say hello and stood in my door way waiting for me to turn and notice she had caught me dancing) The other two interns (i'm going to name them now, Shelly and Kristen) went to lunch at Panera and then it was back to the office.

I left slightly early hoping to beat the city holiday traffic. Tomorrow is the fourth, I hear the fireworks in Cincinnati are phenomenal and I'm a little sad that I will miss them. I remember when I was little my mom used to drive to Toledo, and we would spend the fourth with my Uncle and my four crazy cousins. (Look Cannon boys, you made my blog)  Friday night is fireworks at my Aunt's house this summer, and as I haven't seen my family all summer, it sounds like a plan. The boys will be with their dad for his families fourth of July event, and I have to work at the "paying job."

Next week,  will be a crazy week I'm told. It's the week before Wedding gets sent to print. I told Kara today that I'm excited to see it laid to rest. It's been wonderful seeing what all goes into the production of it, and how many people are involved.

So, I found out that Union Terminal is opened on Mondays, wonder if that will be next weeks adventure?

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