Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dream, Dare, Do

The Last time I sat here typing away was a year ago as I sat and pondered if I would take the new job I had been offered.

After fears about what it would do to my kids, and whether I would be able to afford to live, I broken-heartedly turned down the job.  I was left reeling, wondering if I would ever really get out of Lowes. I just have to say in August I  finally made it.

So here, let me catch you up on the last year of my life.

The changes have been plenty this year, from the new job, to finally getting closer to one of my siblings, and seeing him married. Some things haven't changed that much as I still seem to have two homes.

The beginning of my  year doesn't have a lot to tell, other than a college son who got screwed up at one school, and got accepted to another, an attempt at online dating that gave me a horror story to tell for the ages. (I quickly abandoned any illusions online dating is a good idea) And a godmother that passed away quite suddenly.

It wasn't until summer that it got interesting.

A freelance writing job for Findlay City Guide landed right in my lap, thanks to a co-worker with the right connections. That feeling of seeing my name in print still gives me a high every time and I got to tell some of my favorite stories. My favorites are always going to be about the people who reach out to their communities, give back and just know how to live.

August never really heated up in the way of weather, my career and the rest of my crazy life did.

In August one of my uncles got sick and had to have his leg amputated. This wouldn't have been quite so much if it hadn't happened right in the middle of trying to move him closer to the family. Thirty-six hours is what I spent with no sleep, sometimes laying on the hospital floor just so that I'd be close in case he woke up and needed me. One of my best friends asked me if I needed anything, and my demand was "Please a phone charger and a shirt that doesn't have coffee stains!"

Obviously that isn't the end of that particular story because everyday is a work in progress in that situation.The house that he has now is about 45 minutes away from me, but I keep a bedroom there for when my work life slows down to give me time. He tries to do for me what he feels my dad would have done. I'm just happy he's finally home and learning how to get around even if I sometimes call him Uncle Crazy or we bicker about our different life outlooks

I wrote five stories for that magazine and right as we started to plan the winter issue, I finally got a call from a publisher in Upper Sandusky, interviewed and got the job.

Leaving Lowes was hard. Now that it's no longer my paying job I can call it what it is. The job sucked,the politics sucked but after two-months being gone, I know the friends I made there are friends I will never forget. No matter how bad I wanted out, I wish I could take the comradery of the people I spent 11 years working with.

When I watched my brother get married, it gave me the chance to get to know some of his buddies. They're filling my life with laughter and a little bit of craziness that maybe I need. 

In my first few weeks at the paper, I helped cover the county fair.  I swear I met close to 500 people. Sometimes I'm still spinning and have to stop and ask someone to remind me of what their name is. When I took the commissioners beat, one of the first things they did was take me to the top of the courthouse because of a restoration project they're doing.

Even with my fear of heights, seeing all over the county I am working in was a unique experience.So in the last two months, I've been on top of the courthouse, gone up in the bucket of a firetruck, covered a few court cases and a couple of cool buildings and one particular wood-working group that still makes me smile every time I look at the flower one of them carved that sits on my desk. 

There are days it's hard. This week there have been sad stories in the news and disagreements elsewhere. That's not what's important though. What's important is a year ago I was never sure if I'd get to this point and here I am.

So what next? Everyday seems to be an adventure for me. This year Taylor will graduate and leave me with only Zachary left at home. I'll let you in on a secret, I've never been an adult without kids.

The romance thing could still happen, even though I recently told a best friend I'm not  holding my breath.

In the meantime, I've got my friends, both old and newly formed. I've got this crazy job that is both a job and adventure.

One of those really phenomenal people I met is an old veteran who has lived an unusual life.  When I asked him what advice he has for the younger generation, he told me, "Dare, Dream, Do." That's what I'm aspiring to do.