Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Traffic, storms, and homesickness

"How many speeding tickets have you gotten so far?" My grandpa asked me when I called him Monday.

"None, Grandpa," This is how conversations with him normally go. I've always taken it for granted that my Grandpa would always be here, and that I'd always be his baby, but recent circumstances have forced me to stop taking him for granted.

There wasn't a large adventure Monday, partially because I stopped to have lunch with an old time friend and used-to-be boss. I was happy to see the "Old Buzzard," as I fondly call him.  We discussed his new grandbaby, and the upheaval and drama of the Paying Job, we also discussed all the cool things I'm learning.

I admit, that lunch with that Old Buzzard made me anxious to talk to my Grandpa. There's a similarity in the two men raised in the same generation, in the same region. The phone call to my Grandpa left me homesick to talk to my other family, and of course I had to call my Aunt.

"I just feel bad that I'm not around as much this summer." I told her, even as she said she understands, they all understand that what I'm doing is important to me. There's a little homesickness and a little loneliness too. That left me wondering, how do I make friends in the city?

Before I could answer that, I was back at the office and once again learning new things. As I learned how to "cut copy" this week, I got a few minutes to actually sit in my editors chair, and I can admit I thought "This is what power is."

When my editor gave me my first real writing assignment, I felt that surge I always get when it's time to get in front of the paper. It's a little hard to describe a place I've never been just from photos. I admit that I was tempted to call and see if I could get a quick tour, because I want my copy to show my real talent, I wanted it to be perfect. For now, pictures will have to suffice.

I questioned this week, with my limited hours whether I'll get to go on a real photo shoot, and if I'll be able to be there to see an edition of a magazine "Sent home". (Sent to the printers, I'm picking up the lingo).  I love that phrase by the way, it's so appropriate, all of the hard work that goes into every edition, knowing it's going to a printer is like sending it to it's rightful place.

My Weds was going very quickly, when one of the other interns popped her head into my office, "Hey, do you want to go to lunch with us?" I jumped at the chance. One, my stomach was rumbling and two, I haven't really talked to anyone besides the editors since I got there.

Talking to the two young ladies was nice. We went across the way for lunch, to Fountain Square. We stopped at a sandwich shop called Potbelly, and I got to see Downtown Cincinnati having lunch. The Square is filled with business people chatting, reading, and just generally taking a few minutes out of their busy lives for a quick bite. Afterwards, the ladies took me to local Cincinnati favorite, Graeter's Ice cream. My mocha chip ice cream was delicious, and the chips are huge.

As we chatted at lunch, bonding over our shared English majors, I felt a little silly confessing my actual age. "Wow, you're really dedicated." They said after I explained how my weeks are going. These girls are the age of Justin, but it gives me someone to talk to, and they've agreed to take me to another local favorite, Skyline Chili. I also got in touch with a Zumba instructor, and was able to pin down the hours for a local class. I was also able to look up a local place to go horseback riding, I'll have to give it a  try soon.  I guess maybe I've started the ball rolling on making friends.

As the big talk today was the huge storm that is supposed to be hitting several states, my editors let me leave a couple of hours early.  The drive home was only a couple hours with no rush hour traffic to deal with. Of course I came home to a list of things to do for the kids tomorrow.

So what should it be next week, horseback riding?, another park? or a contemporary art museum?

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