Saturday, November 18, 2023

Learning to Harmonize and Renew


During the pandemic, I took a leadership class. The class was about more than leadership. It was about being able to pivot in hard times and adjust to be your best self. They taught us the art of the brain dump, which I still sometimes use when I am trying to figure something out.

That time was today. It has been a long time since I sat to write, more than a year in fact. When I last sat to write. At that time, I was writing all of my goals for 2023. I didn’t have many big goals for 2022, because I figured that a graduation, and job change and move were plenty for one year. For 2023 I wanted to go BIG. So, I made big goals.

I am here to tell you; I failed every single goal. I didn’t do a half marathon. I didn’t crotchet a blanket. I didn’t practice my Spanish frequently. And I’ve struggled at work a lot. The goals were too big, too broad, with no “why” and no “how.”

Before I think about 2024 goals, I have to think about where 2023 went wrong. That’s where the brain dump exercise comes in.

I ended 2022 with Eric, and some good friends, watching the fireworks over Alexandria. But two days later, I kicked off the new year with covid. It finally caught up with me after three years. I took my time to recover, and tried to give myself grace. Weeks later it was a challenge to get back into regular workouts and keep my breathing in check.

Winter came and went quickly. Eric went back on the road around February, after being home for a few months. It was hard to get into a routine while trying to figure out in office days that weren’t consistent. I started a new role, with new things to learn.

And did I mention, peri-menopause- that thing that no one ever talks about? Whether women don’t talk about this out of shame, or embarrassment.  This is something that we definitely need to start discussing with our groups of friends. Not just the hot flashes, but the late and early and missed periods. The brain fog and forgetfulness, the increased anxiety, and waking up at 3 am. Most importantly, how we can advocate for ourselves with our doctor, and some treatments they may be able to offer.

All of those things happened, and I lost focus. The goals were too big, and not specific enough, and I forgot my “why” in some cases.

But I think there’s more.

At the end of my brainstorming exercise today, I was sitting on the floor crying.  All of those things that happened are true and played a part. There is a bigger piece though. I let myself get complacent.

I’ve spent my whole life, thinking that if I performed well, if I am good enough, funny enough, smart enough, I would finally deserve to be loved. When you’re constantly reaching, and striving, and trying to be perfect enough for someone, and then you have someone who seems to love you no matter what—maybe It’s a challenge. Maybe there’s a little “well prove it. Prove that you love me even if I’m not perfect.”

I’ve spent years and a ton of money in therapy, trying to be an emotionally healthy person. Sometimes it’s a hard reminder that life is two steps forward, and three steps back. I need to learn to reconcile the ambitious, and goal oriented self- with the emotionally healthy person who knows she doesn’t need to reach perfection to be worthy of love. Maybe, those two parts need to learn to live in harmony.


Maybe that’s another therapy bill.

I also had some things go right this year. I had so many adventures, both with Eric and without. I have traveled, and seen new places. I've learned a lot about ADHD this year, and systems to help. 

Now that I’ve evaluated 2023, it’s time to start getting ready for 2024, and to remember: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound.

1.       I want to be more consistent with working out. This means working out for one hour, five days a week, before working in the morning. (I’ve been consistent the last month and that helps). I have more focus and less anxiety when I work out. Stay consistent.

2.       I need to go back to doing Duolingo regularly. I need to also find a speaking group to practice at least biweekly. I want to speak well and understand. I want to be able to communicate with my family, and be able to travel with ease.

3.       I need to improve at work. This means I need to take at least one professional development class to strengthen my skills.

4.       I need to recognize that I am worthy of love—without meeting my goals, but that my goals are for me to improve myself and be the best version of myself.

5.       I like crocheting because it makes me feel close to my granny. I will sit down once a month to crotchet. – and we will see if it becomes a blanket.

6.       Have more adventure. See more places. Go somewhere I’ve never been!

7.       BREATH




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