Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Summer of Adventure

I know, I know. It's been awhile since I've written. I'm overdue.

If you've been following me, then you know that I've had not one, but a series of adventures this year. I've been bouncing from one thing to the next all summer long, from going to Spain, to concerts with friends, to completing my first 5K, and visiting another castle.

Along the way, I've been learning things about myself, the world, and the people around me.

I guess if we're going to get through this post, we should start with Spain. Not everyone knew the true purpose of going to Spain was. Many people just assumed that I was off on another grand adventure, because I'm in love with the country and wine.

This trip was special though. On this trip, we got to meet family. My grandmother had a tragic life, and because of that, I've never known her story. On this trip, we got to meet her family, my family, and I hope she was looking down smiling as her sister hugged me.

My cousins, Pilar (Pilar explained that she is more like an Aunt in Spanish culture, and now I call her Tia)  and Antonio and Maria surprised us at the train station, and of course I cried. There was a bit of a language barrier. but that barrier didn't stop us from communicating(thanks mostly to my cousin Brandon) . In two days time, we met Pilar, and Lluis, and Santi, and Antonio, and Tia Aurora; and MORE! So much family!

Tia Aurora is where I will focus for this blogpost, even though I keep in contact with the others. Tia Aurora is my grandmother's sister. She told us about their childhood, and their family. She talked about how my grandmother (Encarna is what she was called) was also the sophisticated one.

Through a day of eating, and talking, and laughing and tears, we learned about Tia's own life. She made croquettes, even after we all insisted we couldn't eat anymore. She showed us postcards she had kept from my grandmother, and I cried as she put my grandmother's necklace on me.

Tia Aurora is - sophisticated and lively herself. She told me that I smile like my grandmother. That's something I never knew.

See, I always knew the Cannons. I was always chasing after the older cousins; trying to keep up. I met the Kruses's when I was 13. I guess, Twice in my life I've been blessed to find family.

The rest of Barcelona is a blur. From getting lost in the city- and meeting a Spanish math teacher who helped me find my way back to a populated area to make sure I didn't get lost or robbed; to climbing Mount Montjuic. There were museums, and food, and I know in my heart that I will go back.

Here's a tiny fact. I added a St. George to my necklace. St. George is the patron St. of Catelonia; legend says he slayed a dragon to save a princess; and he's the saint of strength and valor. I guess this way I always have a piece of Spain with me.

Honestly, coming back was so hard, but there were lessons I needed to learn myself in that.

Something I needed to finally learn from Spain, is that I am beautiful, and resilient;  even on my worst days. See, something we learned about my grandmother, she was a model in her earlier life. She was beautiful. How can I say that I'm not beautiful, and yet say I look like her. It doesn't equate.

I'm resilient, in that, even when I got lost, I kept pushing. I found a way. Yes, I had help from a stranger, but I was brave enough to approach that stranger with a limited vocabulary. Before Spain, I didn't know I could do that.

Since I've been back, I've hit my goal weight; and keep setting new fitness goals for myself.

It's strange, but an awesome feeling to look back to where I was a year ago, and say "SEE WHAT I ACCOMPLISHED". It isn't just the weight, it's the eating healthier. It's that most days I am ready to see what record I can break from the week before.

Fitness isn't an all or nothing thing. I've had to learn to embrace the bad days, the days when i don't have the energy to run full bore. Sometimes I can lift 25 pounds, and some days I'm back at 15. The thing is, you just have to keep pushing.

I've been to a concert with friends since I got back. Cari knows how badly I miss her most days. (I tell her often enough). It wasn't really about the concert.

In life- we need each other. We need our tribe of cheerleaders. We need that core group that we go back to when things are going great; or that we need to call to cry with. When I became friends with Cari, I didn't realize I was also inheriting Jennifer and Jessica. I'm glad I did.

Really, I've been very blessed in the group of friends I have. I have some amazing people in my life that have been there for me during good and bad. Sometimes it's hard to remember to thank them all.

Since I've been back, I lost a great aunt; a mother figure. Aunt B lived a good full life. Each of her "children" knew she loved us. I say that, because in some way, we all belonged to Aunt B.

Since I've been back, I've finally got to see another castle. I had to drive a bit further out for this one, as this one was in Pennsylvania. I had great adventure partners however; in Mercy and her children, as they appreciated the history and culture of Buhl Mansion, that was built in the Richardson Romanesque style in 1891 (like how I threw in the history).

It wasn't a day with a super strict schedule; and we wandered from Castle, to church, to chocolate store; and even made a pit stop on the way home. I need friends like Mercy too; to remind me that not everything has to be structured all the time.

Speaking of structure, guess who applied for and got into grad school? I start in September.

Here's another adventure; just a different kind of adventure.

For five years; I've thought and hesitated about whether now is the time to go back or not. Should I or shouldn't I? Finally, with the running of the 5K in June; I realized, I had met my 2019 goals, and it was time to start focusing on new ones.

So, for the next two years; I will be stressed, and laughing about papers, and schedules. I truly believe I'm ready to crush this goal too.

My word for this year was "evolving." I have been evolving since the year began. I have been learning about accepting myself, and the people around me. I've been learning a lot about who I am; and who I want to be.

 I hope that I'm constantly evolving to be the best version of myself.

I will try to do better about writing about my adventures; but as you can see; my life is still full of them.

I actually think Lluis took this picture. I didn't know. But this was taken when Tia Aurora gave me my grandmother's necklace. She had saved it for more than 50 years, hoping to see her sister again. I will cherish it always. 

Just strolling through Barcelona with La familia. That's Tia Pila, and prima Maria on the sides of me. I'm rescado in this picture! (look it up, you'll get a laugh. Also, special shout to Antonio for the pictures- and for sharing history with me  ) 

Wasn't my grandmother gorgeous? Which grandparent do you think I look like?

Familia Lazaro!! 

Lost in Barcelona. 

Really, with this view, do you blame me for not wanting to come back?

Shout out to these ladies for being awesome! Tina is running another race with me in August. 

Buh Mansion, Pennsylvania. I will always find "castles" 

Sometimes, It's about the company you're with, more than the even you do! Love you ladies. (and Jennifer too) 

1 comment:

  1. ¿Como no decir que eres mágnifica Jenni? Si te hecho en falta cada día a partir del fuerte abrazo que nos dimos en la estación y mi sueño es estar con vosotros se cumplió . Ahora estoy en un momento que voy pintando de nuevo e intentando terminar un relato que a veces parece a los de Edgar Allan Poe del que hice un pequeño guión técnico de terror otros de ciencia ficción, otros de costumbres . Algo de lo que escribo me gustaría más publicarlo allá que aquí porque aquí los escritores ,ahora, están mal pagados.
    Ya veo que estás , aún, emocionada de vuestra visita y ahora mi deuda es con vosotros, con todos.
    Os quiero y te quiero Jenni.
