Saturday, September 29, 2018

The end of an Era

I didn't have a big epiphany. That's what I always thought would happen when I finally laid my eyes on the last of the Ohio castles.

Today, I finally ventured forth to the last of the Ohio Castles. This one was a slightly longer drive. I felt it was appropriate that I ended this one as a lone road trip, since the castle adventures began as a lone trip.

Glamorgan Castle is in Alliance, Ohio. The castle, like many of them, was originally built as a private residence in 1904.

Now, the castle is home of the Alliance City School Board, where they offer weekly tours on Friday, starting at 1 PM.

I know, normally my posts are filled with a little more history. This time however; I didn't have a chance to explore the inside due to my schedule.

The trip was worth it though, even if just to cross it off the list.

Often, trips to the castles were about more than just the adventure.

The castles have been bonding time for family and friends. The castles have made me smile, when things were crazy in my life. They've been side trips, to other destinations and journeys.

Through it all, I have loved the rich history, and the architecture. I've loved sitting on a step, and envisioning myself as one of the original occupants of the home. I've lost touching the bricks, and thinking about the past that still whispers its story.

Most times, on the way back, I knew what life lesson I would discuss, what words of wisdom I hoped to impart along with a bit of history. This time, I had no life wisdom scream at me.

I'm not sure where my next adventure lies, and maybe that is the lesson.

To enjoy the trip, even though we're not sure of the future.

By the time I come back here to sit and write, I will have attended Flag City Honor Flight as a guardian. (Tuesday, which I'm excited about).

By the time I come back to revisit this blog, I will be ready to focus on my 2018 accomplishments, and 2019 goals. I'll be ready to talk about my book being published.

This blog as been cathartic to me. Sometimes, I have poured out my emotions, making dear friends cry. Occasionally, I have made people laugh. Hopefully, I have touched hearts with my imparting wisdom.

I'm sure I won't stop blogging. There may be some blog changes and re-structuring after this.

I hope you have enjoyed the castles. I definitely encourage everyone to visit each castle for yourself.

Always life a live of adventure.

I love the details on the tower

Imagine walking up these stairs for a party

There are gardens to walk through!
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Just chilling, thinking of me in my ballgown, coming up the stairs for a dinner party
Are those marble stairs?

1 comment:

  1. Los castillos no siempre fueron pacíficos pues eran más la defensa de un estilo de vida para unos poco con servidumbre esclava que según la zona decir no señor era condenarte o a que te cortaran la cabeza, ir a una mazmorra, olvidado para toda tu vida y condenar al mismo tiempo a tu familia al servicio del señor solo evitable que un hijo o hija la pusieran de escudero . Delante del Señor en la batalla y con un 90 % de que lo matara el enemigo.
    También entre reinos de la edad media y renacimiento había batallas encarnizadas por la posición en el tablero de ajedrez que ese castillo tenía situadas sus piezas . También servían de conventos donde antiguas órdenes religiosas escribían e iluminaban libros con minuciosidad . Copiandolo todo para que ningún libro o saber se perdiese después de siglos investigando . Estanterías llenas de pergaminos y libros manuscritos hicieron posible que el saber nuestro de ahora resida en aquellos monjes. En Europa , como en España hay bellos ejemplos que decir nombres sería olvidar cientos de ellos con una gran historia- También esta la fantasía que puede aladir el visitante de creerse o Robin Hood o Ramiro I El Monje
